Workbook 7.7.1 Released and Other Updates
7/14/2021 - 4 Years Ago
As part of ongoing efforts to enhance maritime domain awareness, we continue to improve handling of essential data contained within Notices of Arrival and Departure (NOAD). On July 14, 2021 a new workbook (7.7.1) will be released. This release includes cosmetic changes to the workbook and eNOAD as well as changes to the validation for all submissions.
Please note that while every effort is being made to ensure all information is accurate as of this posting, there exists the possibility for additional changes as needed or at the direction of the program office. Any such changes or additions will be made available as soon as they are provided to or identified by the NOAD team.
Changes to new Workbook (7.7.1) compared to previous Workbook (7.7)
● Rearranged Cargo and CDC List to have the following order: "In Ballast?", "Certain Dangerous Cargo (CDC) Onboard?", "General Description of Cargo"
● Removed "Virgin Islands, US" from the following Country lists:
- Vessel Details - Flag
- Voyage Information - Last Port of Call Country
- Voyage Information - Next Port of Call Country
- Crew List and Non-Crew List - Debark Country
- Crew List and Non-Crew List - Embark Country
- Cargo and CDC List - Destination Country
- Previous Foreign Port - Country
- (Crew and Non-Crew fields for “Nationality”, “Country of Residence”, and “ID Country” will continue to have “Virgin Islands, US” as an option.)
● In the Voyage Information tab, "US to US" has been removed as an option for Voyage Type when Notice Type is "Departure". "US to Foreign" will be the only valid option for Departures.
● Moved “New Build” field from Vessel Details to Previous Foreign Ports and removed the "Jones Act" portion of the field name.
● "K5 Oil Center" has been added as a port for Equatorial Guinea
● Color scheme has been changed to orange to differentiate from workbook version 7.7, which was green.
ENOAD Website Change Details
● Removed "Virgin Islands, US" from the following Country lists:
- Vessel Details - Flag
- Arrival/Departure Port - Last Port of Call - Country
- Arrival/Departure Port - Next Port of Call - Country
- Crew and Passengers - Debark Country
- Crew and Passengers - Embark Country
- Cargo - CDC List - Destination Country
- Previous Ports - Country
- (Crew and Passenger fields for “Nationality”, “Country of Residence”, and “ID Country” will continue to have “Virgin Islands, US” as an option.)
● On the Arrival/Departure tab, "US to US" has been removed as an option for Voyage Type when Notice Type is "Departure". "US to Foreign" will be the only valid option for Departures.
● Moved “New Build” checkbox from Vessel Details to Previous Ports and removed the "Jones Act" portion of the field name.
● "K5 Oil Center" has been added as a port for Equatorial Guinea
Validation rule changes include:
● On the Arrival/Departure tab, "US to US" has been removed as an option for Voyage Type when Notice Type is "Departure". "US to Foreign" will be the only valid option for Departures.
● “Virgin Islands, U.S.” will no longer be accepted as a valid option for the following fields:
● “Virgin Islands, U.S.” will remain in Country_List.xml because the selection is still valid for CREW_LIST and NONCREW_LIST fields:
● “US to US is no longer a valid option when NOTICE/NOTICE_DETAILS/NOTICE_TYPE = “Departure”.
Picklist XML Changes
● Foreign_Port_List has the following addition:
- ISO_Code: GQ
- Port_Name: K5 OIL CENTER
- Location_Code: (empty)